Volunteers needed for Ian

We are in contact with the state ESF-2 team and have been asked to prepare volunteers for possible deployment to counties that may not have enough amateur radio volunteers.  There are many counties that may end up with a significant need for amateur radio operators to staff shelters and augment local ARES or other communications teams.

In preparation for this, if you would be willing to deploy to another county within the state for tropical storm (soon to be hurricane) Ian, please complete this application.  It is preferred that you have completed the AUXCOMM course (completion of the AUXCOMM Taskbook is not required) and/or your ARES Taskbook to level 2.

Regardless of your completion of those items, if interested, please fill out the application as soon as possible.  Please remember, at no time do we “self-deploy.”  Any deployment notices will come either via Arc Thames or David Byrum from the State or possibly via your local agencies.

We will also need experienced net control stations that can operate an Emergency HF Net in support of the counties in the impacted areas.  If you have a strong station that can transmit and receive well throughout the state, please complete this registration form – https://arrl-nfl.org/emncs/

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